If the answer is yes, then displaying the Google Customer Reviews opt-in pop-up on the thank you or order status page is just not possible, however, we can offer an alternative solution to this.
How do I check if I have migrated?
Please read our article how do I check if my post-purchase pages have been migrated to Checkout Extensibility.
Why won't this work with Checkout Extensibility?
This is not a limitation of our app, but a limitation of how Shopify has restricted the inclusion of 3rd party scripts in their new Checkout Extensibility post-purchase pages to help Shopify stores comply with PCI DSS v4 and other security standards.
As a result, no 3rd party app or script can be added to your post-purchase pages unless specifically authorized by Shopify.
We do, however, have an alternative solution!
This is a big problem for Shopify stores that rely on contributing Google Customer Reviews data towards their Google Store Ratings.
Unless Shopify change their tune on this, there is unlikely to be any other way to get the survey opt-in pop-up to appear on the thank you or order status pages.
We have, however, put together an alternative approach that you may want to consider trying.
In short, we've put together a Checkout Extensibility compatible app block that can be included at the top of your post purchase pages asking your customers if they would like to opt-in to receive a survey by email.
To find out more about how our checkout extension app block works and how to add it to your store, please take a look at the following articles: